More than 15 years dedicated to the digitalization of organizations with legal compliance


AGTIC Consulting is a strategic consulting company born in 2007. We are specialized in digital transformation from a multidisciplinary perspective, combining technological, legal, and organizational vision with document management and information security.

We offer both public administrations and private companies a personalized service and the experience after consulting for more than 15 years. We guide them throughout the process of digital transformation so that they reach a frame of telematic interaction and electronic document management with full legal validity.


We believe in the power of digitalization as a tool for growth

  • Proximity
  • Proven experience
  • Commitment
  • Rigor
  • Tailor-made services
  • Multidisciplinary team
  • Quality


Professionals united with a single goal: to guide you during the digital transformation process

Jordi Masias

Partner and technological, organizational and document management consultant
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Jordi Masias

Partner and technological, organizational and document management consultant

Jordi Masias has a degree in Computer Science (UAB) and a master’s degree in Management of Information Technology Departments (UB).

He has been the founding partner of AGTIC Consulting and for more than 25 years he has been linked to the digitalization of organizations, first in the field of electronic signatures as founding director of Camerfirma, Firmaprofesional and Agència Catalana de Certificació and, later and since 2007, as a consultant in projects for the implementation of electronic administration in the public sector and electronic documents with legal validity in the public and private sector, both nationally and internationally.

His experience during all these years has allowed him to incorporate a multidisciplinary knowledge in the field of digital transformation, having extensive knowledge in technological, organization and document management.


Raül Rabionet

Partner and legal, technological and organizational consultant
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Raül Rabionet

Partner and legal, technological and organizational consultant

Raül Rabionet has a degree in Law (ESADE – Ramon Llull University), a master’s degree in Financial and Tax Law (ESADE) and a Computer Engineering degree (Faculty of Informatics of Barcelona - UPC).

He has complemented his academic training with extensive professional experience as an auditor in information security and collaborates as an associate professor at the School of Archiving and Document Management of the UAB (ESAGED).

After 6 years of experience as a lawyer in some of the most prestigious law firms in Spain, he joined the AGTIC team in 2009. Currently, he is a partner of the company and director of the legal consulting area, contributing to the projects a legal viewpoint combined with the technological and organizational perspective.


J. Rafel Roig

Partner and organization, technology and document management consultant
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J. Rafel Roig

Partner and organization, technology and document management consultant

J. Rafel Roig holds a degree in Business Administration and Management (UAB) and a master’s degree in Information Systems Management (UOC). He is Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) by ISACA, Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) by IAI and ISO27001 Lead Auditor by BSI.

Initially, he developed his professional career as an auditor and IT consultant in two of the four largest audit firms worldwide (KPMG and Deloitte). Currently, he is a partner of AGTIC specialized in the organizational, security and privacy of information, the implementation of the electronic document and the telematic relationship with legal validity as the only support element in the management of procedures, as well as the management of the paradigm shift that it entails.


Jonathan Celdrán

Organizational Consultant

Jonathan Celdrán

Organizational Consultant

Sandra Dolz

Document Management Consultant

Sandra Dolz

Document Management Consultant

Sandra Garzón

Technology Consultant

Sandra Garzón

Technology Consultant

Eduard Gibert

Organizational Consultant

Eduard Gibert

Organizational Consultant

Laura López

Legal Consultant

Laura López

Legal Consultant

Pau Marín

Organizational Consultant

Pau Marín

Organizational Consultant

Eva Mejías

Document Management Consultant

Eva Mejías

Document Management Consultant

Francesc Serrano

Legal Consultant

Francesc Serrano

Legal Consultant

Martí Villanueva

Document Management Consultant

Martí Villanueva

Document Management Consultant

Abel Borrega

Technology Consultant

Abel Borrega

Technology Consultant

Adrián Arsuaga

Technology Consultant

Adrián Arsuaga

Technology Consultant

Astrid Riveros

Document Management Consultant

Astrid Riveros

Document Management Consultant

Francesc Palacio

Document Management Consultant

Francesc Palacio

Document Management Consultant

Waltraud García

Technology Consultant

Waltraud García

Technology Consultant

Xavier Giménez

Organizational Consultant

Xavier Giménez

Organizational Consultant

Dolors Vergés

Administration and finance

Dolors Vergés

Administration and finance

Erika Villaécija

Human Resources

Erika Villaécija

Human Resources


We are looking for talented professionals to join our team. Do you want to be part of the AGTIC team?


Envia’ns el teu curriculum, i forma part del nostre equip

Rmentum pulvinar etiam non us rutrum tellus pellentesque eu. Massa enim nec dui nunc mattis enim uismod in pellentesque massa placerat duis ultricies.


Some of our clients that encourage us to continue growing

Local government

Diputació de Castelló
Ajuntament de Sabadell
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Ajuntament de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat
Ajuntament de Palma de Mallorca
Comú d’Andorra la Vella
Diputació de Barcelona

Regional administration

Generalitat de Catalunya
Agència de Residus de Catalunya
Síndic de Greuges
Sindicatura de Comptes de la Comunitat Valenciana
Diari Oficial de la Generalitat
Institut Català de la Salut

General State Administration

Autoritat Portuària de Barcelona
Govern d’Andorra
Arxiu Nacional d’Andorra

Private sector

Schindler S.A.
Aigües de Manresa
Andorra Telecom
Banc Sabadell
Imprenta Universal
Universitas XXI
MC Mutual

Parliamentary sector

Consell General d’Andorra
Cortes de Castilla y León
Parlamento del País Vasco


Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Universitat de València
Universitat d’Alacant
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Universitat Rovira i Virgili